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Climate Transitions

The Climate Transitions Program addresses systemic changes required to cut greenhouse gas emissions and substantially increase the resilience of the economy and society while fostering equity and leaving no one behind.


This program’s objective is to accelerate energy just transition in Latin America in the context of a resilient and socially just recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic to advance the achievement of the Paris Agreement goals.

Some of the projects

South-South Collaborative

The South-South Collaborative is an international platform that facilitates collaboration and coordination among civil society groups across global Southern regions, with the aim to create a better connected, coordinated, and empowered South-led climate change and energy transition movement.

Voluntary Carbon Markets – Global Dialogue

A dialogue that places the offer at the center of the debate on how the VCM – Voluntary Carbon Markets – can contribute to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and enhancing sustainable development. This initiative brings the perspective of host countries into the debate in a more prominent way, contributing to the ongoing discussions that have a strong focus on the integrity of the voluntary carbon market from the buyers’ and credit trading perspective.

Latin America and the Caribbean renewable energy roadmap

We developed a roadmap for the implementation of the renewable energy goal initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean. This project aimed at supporting the goal of having at least 70% of electricity generation installed capacity come from renewables by 2030.


This program’s objective is to make public and private financial flows in Colombia and Latin America consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, through engagement and provision of informed political and investment decision-making, research, and capacity building with stakeholders from the financial sector and advocating for accelerated (soft and hard) regulation.

Some of the projects

Colombian Climate Asset Disclosure Initiative (CCADI)

This initiative works with the financial sector to promote that pension funds, fiduciaries, insurance companies, banks, and private equity funds disclose their existing actions and take steps towards the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures through investments and the resource management.

Only in Spanish

Private and public financial flows, and climate ambition in Colombia

Together with ODI, Transforma carried out the first case study in Colombia on the climate consistency of financial flows and alignment with Article 2.1 c of the Paris Agreement. This study, which was commissioned by the Finance Working Group (FWG) of the Independent Global Stocktake (iGST), delivered an assessment with a set of context-specific recommendations to better align financial flows with climate objectives.

Latin American Climate Asset Disclosure Initiative (LACADI)

Latin American expansion of the CCADI initiative. It seeks the inclusion of climate change as a central variable in the investment decisions of the financial sector in the region. The Initiative will create tools that integrate the opportunities and risks of climate change and foster a transformative environment for the resilient transition of the financial sector towards a carbon-neutral economy.

Implemented by Transforma, Iniciativa Climática de México and Libélula.

Only in Spanish


Some of the projects


is a consortium of thought leaders committed to identifying, discussing, and addressing key challenges in the UN climate negotiations. It convenes key stakeholders to identify and agree on how to design just and ambitious outcomes at these negotiations — particularly at COP26 and COP27 — that will rebuild trust, foster solidarity, and drive greater climate action on the ground. The ultimate goal is to promote a prosperous, low-carbon, and climate-resilient future for all. 


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Privacy Notice


operating as a Non-Profit Organization with Tax ID No. 901057447-2 and with its main address in the city of Bogotá D.C. (Colombia) declares:
That, in compliance with Statutory Law 1581 of 2012, which establishes the General Data Protection Regime in Colombia and Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, as well as the best international practices in this matter, is responsible for the treatment (collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion) of personal data in development of its purpose focused on promoting Colombian exports, foreign direct investment, international tourism and the country brand.

The owners of personal data have the right to know, update, rectify or delete, before those responsible for its treatment, the information collected in the databases or files, in the terms established in the current regulations and in the Personal Data Processing Policy, which may be reviewed at any time at the following link: Personal Data Processing Policy

The purposes of processing personal data currently held by Transforma are the following:

  1. Develop activities of the Organization
  2. Make commercial contacts with companies operating in Colombia.
  3. Provide information on tourist promotions.
  4. Send invitations to the events carried out by Transforma.
  5. Respond to requests made by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia or any other authority.
For any request related to the Privacy Notice, please contact the following email:

Personal Data Processing Policy


In compliance with Statutory Law 1581 of 2012, which establishes the General Data Protection Regime in Colombia, as well as the best international practices in this matter, it is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

1). Rights as the owner of the information:

  1. Know, update, rectify, delete and revoke personal data. This right may be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, misleading data, or those whose Treatment is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
  2. Request proof of the authorization of Treatment granted.
  3. Be informed about the use that Transforma has given to personal data.
  4. Present before the corresponding control bodies, complaints for infractions to the provisions of current regulations and other regulations that modify, add or complement it.
  5. Free access to personal data that has been subject to Treatment.

2). Transforma Information:

  1.  Address: Calle 72 # 6 -30, Bogotá D.C. – Colombia
  2. Email:
  3. Website:

3). Channels through which you can exercise rights:
The Holder may use the Transforma’s correspondence system, by email to the address:

4). Responsible area of complaints, claims, congratulations and suggestions management:
The monitoring and control of the care of these cases is the responsibility of the Executive Director of Transforma through the channels indicated in number 3) of this communication.

5). Procedures for knowledge, update, deletion, revocation and rectification:
The owner may request through the contact channels named above, the update, deletion, revocation and rectification of the information and / or make inquiries or claims related to their information. Transforma will validate the identification, analyze, classify and issue the response to the request in the times established by law, and will be sent through the means by which the request is received or by the means that the owner specifies in his communication. The deletion of personal data and / or revocation of authorization for information processing will not proceed when the owner has a legal or contractual duty to remain in the Transforma databases.

These requirements will be processed when they meet the following criteria:

  1. The request must be addressed to Transforma,
  2. It must have the identification of the owner, his successor in title, representative or agent,
  3. It must contain the description of the facts that give rise to his request,
  4. Contact information for notification of the response,
  5. Documents and facts supporting his request.

If the request is incomplete in terms of its requirements, the applicant will be required to correct its omissions within five (5) days after receiving the request. After two (2) months from the date the applicant was required to correct his request without obtaining the required information, it will be understood that he has withdrawn the claim.

The maximum term to attend the request will be fifteen (15) business days from the day following the receiving date.

If it is not possible to respond to any requirement due to its complexity, the applicant will be informed of the reason why it is not possible to respond within the term set by current regulations. When notification of the impossibility of responding within the initially indicated term is notified, the applicant must be informed of the date on which the request will be answered, which in no case may exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first term.

6). Transforma’s policies regarding the processing of personal data:

  1. Comply with the treatment of the personal data of the holders within the parameters established by the Constitution and current regulations.
  2. Obtain, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations, the express authorization of the owners in physical, electronic and / or telephone means that allows their subsequent consultation in order to unequivocally verify that without the consent of the owner the data would never have been captured and stored on electronic or physical media. Likewise, it may be obtained through clear and unequivocal conduct of the Holder that allows to conclude in a reasonable way that he granted his consent for the handling of his personal data.
  3. Promote the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data by the person in charge and those in charge.
  4. Personal data will only be processed by those collaborators who require it based on the activities of their position or by the Managers or Managers; the latter will be supplied with the information required for the fulfillment of the contractual obligations.
  5. Collaborators must guarantee the reservation of information during the period of relationship with Transforma or the term of the contract, when applicable, and after termination or separation.
  6. Carry out the processing of personal data in accordance with the purposes authorized by the owners.
  7. Not to disclose personal data on the Internet or other massive means of communication, unless it is public information or information required by current regulations.
  8. The personal data information of the holders will be guarded in accordance with the organization’s information security and retention policies.
  9. Adopt the other necessary measures so that the information is kept up to date.
  10. Correct the information when it is incorrect and communicate the pertinent to any authorized third party.
  11. Process the queries and claims made by the Holders in the terms indicated in the current regulations.
  12. At the request of the owner and when he does not have any legal or contractual duty to remain in the databases, the information of the owner must be eliminated.
  13. Keep the information under the security conditions necessary to prevent its adulteration, loss, consultation, use or unauthorized or fraudulent access.
  14. Transforma will apply the appropriate security measures for the treatment of information classified as sensitive, which includes, among others, the personal data of the children (boys, girls and adolescents) of the collaborators.
  15. To strive for the strengthening of a corporate culture that advocates and safeguards the rights of the owners through training sessions.
  16. Always guarantee the full and effective exercise of the right to habeas data to the Holder.
  17. Properly inform the Holder about the purpose of the collection and the rights that assist him by virtue of the authorization granted.
  18. Guarantee that the information provided to any authorized third party, within the parameters established in current regulations, is truthful, complete, exact, updated, verifiable and understandable.
  19. Transforma may exchange personal data information with public entities when they request it in the exercise of their functions, for issues related to plans, programs and projects in the development of public policy.
  20. The established policies may be modified at any time. The modifications will comply with the current legal regulations, as well as the best international practices in this matter, and will enter into force as of their publication in the media available so that they are known to the owners.
  21. The transfer of personal data information to countries that do not provide adequate levels of data protection will be carried out under the conditions established in current regulations.
  22. Develop the activities required to comply with the obligations related to the Database Registry, when applicable.

Aviso de Privacidad


constituido como Entidad sin Ánimo de Lucro con NIT 901057447-2 y con domicilio principal en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. (Colombia) se permite informar:
Que en cumplimiento de la Ley Estatutaria 1581 de 2012 por la cual se establece el Régimen General de Protección de Datos en Colombia y el Decreto Reglamentario 1377 de 2013, así como de las mejores prácticas a nivel internacional en esta materia, es responsable del tratamiento (recolección, almacenamiento, uso, circulación o supresión) de datos personales en desarrollo de su objeto misional enfocado a promover las exportaciones colombianas, la inversión extranjera directa, el turismo internacional y la marca país.

Los titulares de datos personales tienen el derecho de conocer, actualizar, rectificar o suprimir frente a los responsables del tratamiento, la información recolectada en las bases de datos o archivos, en los términos establecidos en las normas vigentes y en la Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales, las cuales podrán ser consultadas en cualquier momento en el siguiente enlace: Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales

Las finalidades del tratamiento de los datos personales que actualmente tiene Transforma son los siguientes:

  1. Desarrollar actividades propias del fideicomiso.
  2. Realizar contactos comerciales con empresas instaladas en Colombia.
  3. Suministrar información de promociones turísticas.
  4. Enviar invitaciones de los eventos realizados por Transforma.
  5. Atender solicitudes realizadas por el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo de Colombia o cualquier otra autoridad.


Para cualquier solicitud relacionada con el Aviso de Privacidad por favor comuníquese al siguiente correo electrónico:

Al utilizar nuestro sitio web aceptas las condiciones de uso.

Para obtener más información consulta nuestra

Natalia Gómez Gómez

Social Communicator and Journalist

Social Communicator and Journalist, specialist in organizational communication with a master’s degree in Human Development. She has experience in the creation of communication strategies and content management in non-governmental and educational organizations. She is passionate about audio storytelling production. She is interested in highlighting sustainable solutions to socio-environmental issues that inspire transformations.

Daniela Lozano

Social Communicator

Social communicator passionate about social impact and science journalism, with 7 years of experience in the field. She has specialized in strategy creation, digital channel impact, content generation, storytelling, and campaign building. Through communication, she aims to raise awareness and foster commitment to environmental issues.

Carolina Gutiérrez


Holds a degree in Ecology and a master’s in Environment. She has experience in the management of multi-actor environmental and sustainability projects. She is passionate about biodiversity and nature-based solutions. She is interested in environmental work because she is firmly convinced that is the only path towards sustainability.

Andrés Morales


Biologist with experience in the formulation and implementation of projects, plans, policies, and climate change adaptation programs, climate risks management, and biodiversity conservation. He is passionate about the magic of the Pacific and he works to add efforts and collectively face the environmental deterioration that humans have generated.

Ana María Mogollón

Environmental Engineer

Environmental Engineer with an MSc. degree in Project Management for Environmental and Energy Engineering. She has experience working with private and public stakeholders on issues related to climate change and environmental and energy sustainability strategies. She loves nature and sharing experiences. Throughout her work, she has been looking to convey different interests to achieve the goal of sustainable development.

Angélica Mateus

Civil engineering

Civil Engineer with a master’s degree in Environmental Management. She has experience coordinating and managing projects related to infrastructure and rural development. She strongly believes in the systematic vision of sustainability, thus she is interested in contributing from the environmental dimension.

Alejandra López

Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales

Licenciada en relaciones internacionales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y maestra en medio ambiente y desarrollo del London School of Economics and Political Science. Tiene más de 15 años de experiencia en temas de política climática en México, América Latina, y a nivel internacional desde el régimen de Naciones Unidas.

Alejandro Lindo


Lawyer graduated from the Universidad de los Andes, with experience in the support and coordination of intellectual property processes, commercial and administrative law, and disputes in government entities, due diligence, and compliance processes. He has provided legal support to non-profit organizations and partook in the UN volunteers program. 

Carlos Eduardo Beltrán

Political scientist

Political scientist and Master’s student in Public Policy and Development. He has worked as a research assistant and consultant on issues related to extractive industries, armed conflict, and human rights. He is passionate about nature and communities and has volunteered for various social projects. He is interested in working on environmental issues because he believes that it is a way to explore and build new ways of living and inhabiting the Earth.


Political scientist

Political scientist from Andes University, with a Master’s degree on China in Comparative Perspective from LSE. She has experience in diplomacy, foreign policy and sustainable development. Animal lover, PADI diver and sustainable tourism passionate. She’s interested in environmental affairs due to their direct impact on biodiversity and our ecosystems.

Álvaro Daniel Pinzón Velásquez


experience in renewable energy and O&G. He is passionate about sustainable development and renewable energies. He works in environmental affairs because he thinks that we are on time to influence humankind to be capable of facing climate change.

Gian Piero Fava

Energy Engineer

He has experience in the electric and hydrogen market. He is passionate about sports and learning about new cultures. He is interested in working on environmental issues for the preservation of life and the ecosystem.


industrial engineer

M.S. degree in system engineering, from the National University of Colombia, where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in system and informatics engineering. His research interests and expertise include modeling of mining energy and socio-technological systems, quantitative methods, optimization, and use of methodologies to support decision-making.

Ximena Rugeles

Bachelor in finance

She has experience in the measurement and monitoring of risks applied to investment portfolios of financial institutions, and in financial risks auditing. She is passionate about puzzles, traveling, and crafts. She is interested in environmental work because she wants to contribute to the generation of deep changes in the way we live and interact with the planet.

Daniela Quintero

Environmental Economist

with a Master’s degree in Development Studies (Agrarian, Food and Environmental). She has experience in behavioral economics, work with ethnic and peasant communities, and territorial development planning. Passionate about exploring how the performing arts can trigger climate action.

Laddy Johanna Castro

Public Accountant

with experience in budget and financial management of different international cooperation projects. She is passionate about team work towards achieving common objectives and is interested in environmental work because she considers that is a way to contribute to solving different issues.


Professional in international relations

She holds a degree in international relations and is a Ph. D. candidate in the same field. With experience in climate change, just transition, gender and diversity, she is passionate about human rights and believes that transformative change is closely tied to respect for and harmony with nature.

Felipe Arango


Holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a master’s degree in international relations and development of the Sorbonne Nouvelle University. Postgraduate degree in international public administration of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA). He has experience as a consultant, researcher, and lecturer in subjects related to international issues, climate change, sustainable development, peace construction, justice, and security.


Ph.D. in energy transition

Ph.D. in Engineering. She has experience in mathematical modeling applied to energy transitions and sustainability. She is passionate about working on sustainable development from a systematic perspective. She is interested in working on environmental issues given the need of guaranteeing an inhabitable planet for future generations.

Johanna Dueñas Burgos


Economist with a master’s degree in marketing. In recent years she has worked at the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce with entrepreneurs and as a fundraising consultant at UNICEF. Passionate about reviewing trends and working on social and/or environmental impact projects with disruptive business models, to have a better and more inclusive planet for all beings. In her free time, she loves to run and enjoy time with her family.



Economist from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. With experience in business consultancy, innovation investigation, econometrics, and public policies. She is passionate about economic development, data, and social impact.

Andrea Guerrero García


Holds a bachelor’s degree in Forest Science from the University of Florida and a master’s degree in Biology. She has worked in the Colombian Ministry of the Environment as climate change director and then as director of economical, social, and environmental issues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2015 she led the Colombian technical delegation that negotiated the Paris Agreement. Nowadays, she is part of the climate change team of the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General. She co-founded Transforma.

JosÉ Luis DÍaz Ramos


Economist and holds a bachelor’s degree in Government and Public Affairs. He has experience in environmental justice, agriculture, deforestation, energetic transition, among others. He is passionate about looking for solutions to promote more sustainable and climatically intelligent agro-food systems.

Laura Flechas Mejía

Environmental engineer

She has experience as a project management consultant in climate change projects, the mining and energy sector, and relationship management. She is passionate about working with the community and learning from it by volunteering in social and environmental projects. She is interested in working in the environmental sector because she sees it as a community-based growth opportunity to achieve sustainability in Colombia.

Natalia Villalpando Páez


Holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and masters in Philosophy and Public Policy (LSE). Cofounder of C230 Consultores Colombia, a design and public policy evaluation firm. She was the executive director of Crea Comunidades de Emprendedores Sociales in Mexico, a platform that encourages entrepreneurship and fosters women’s employment in vulnerable zones. Nowadays she is an associate at Unbounded Associates in Washington, DC.

Luis Alberto Camargo

Mechanical Engineer

graduated from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania with a master’s degree in Digital Arts from the Pratt Institute of New York. He is the director and founder of OpEPA, an organization that focuses on reconnecting people with the Earth to accelerate the transition to sustainable and regenerative cultures.

Jimena Nieto Carrasco

President of the Board of Directors.

Lawyer graduated from the Universidad del Rosario, and holds a certificate of Political Studies from Science Po (Paris) and a master’s degree (LLM) in Public International Law from the London School of Economics. She was part of the Colombian delegations in multilateral negotiations on climate change, biodiversity, waste, mercury, and chemical substances. She is a lecturer of environmental international law at the Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad del Rosario, Universidad Externado, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano and the Instituto FLACSO (Argentina)

Isabel Cavelier Adarve

Writer, Lawyer, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Languages
and Socio-Cultural Studies.

She has worked in academia, in the public and private sectors, and civil society organizations in issues related to human rights, discrimination, gender equality, sustainable development, climate change, climate finance, and ecological transitions. She is an explorer, traveler, and storyteller. She enjoys foraging and sowing. She co-founded Transforma.

Helena García Romero

Economist and Political Scientist

graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, with a Masters in Public Management and International Development from Harvard University. Specialist in design and evaluation of environmental and competitiveness public policies. She has worked in the public and private sectors in Mexico and Colombia. Nowadays she is an independent consultant.

Alexa Kleysteuber


graduated from The University of North Carolina. MSc. in Environmental Policy, Regulation, and Planning from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She has worked as an advisor for the Ministry of the Environment of Chile and as deputy secretary for border and intergovernmental relations at the California Environmental Protection Agency.



Mass communicator, master degree in 

Comunicadora Social, magíster en Comunicación para el Desarrollo de la Universidad de Ohio. Experiencia en formulación y ejecución de proyectos enfocados en Comunicación para el Cambio Social y de Comportamiento. Ha trabajado para el sistema de Naciones Unidas en áreas como seguridad alimentaria, protección a refugiados, salud sexual y reproductiva en niños, niñas y adolescentes del caribe colombiano. Mamá de Antonia, apasionada por la danza africana y convencida de que la educación es el camino para transformar.




Specialist in social responsibility, master in energy politics and energy management Energy and Environmental Policy and Management with more than 10 years of experience in the coordination and design of citizen participation projects, socioeconomic and political context diagnostics, evaluation of social impacts, and management and environmental sustainability plans. She is interested in participating in actions with positive impacts and activities that offer value to communities and territories.

María del Pilar Torres

Social Communicator and Translator

She has experience in publishing projects, journalism, and teaching. She is passionate about working in social organizations and children’s literature. She is interested in working on environmental issues because she is convinced of the relevance that her generation has to impact the planet in a positive way.

Lorena Téllez Farfán

Professional in environmental sciences and master’s degree in biology

Holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences with a master’s degree in biology. She has experience in scientific research and environmental consulting. She is passionate about learning about nature to understand and conserve it. She is interested in working on environmental issues because she recognizes the importance of developing sustainable social systems that use and preserve nature.



Holds a degree in Tourism and Hotel Management, and a graduate degree in Public Relations and Protocol & Etiquette. She has experience in public and private entities. An admirer and keeper of the environment, she is passionate about all fields of human life transformation.


Social Communicator And Journalist

Social communicator and journalist with a minor in corporate communications. She has experience in digital content management, internal communications strategic planning, and public relations. She trusts in the power of little actions in social transformations.

María Paula Rubio


Economist from the Universidad del Rosario. She has experience in the public sector on issues of social conflict, royalties, and public policy. She is passionate about long walks and mountains. Because she has a powerful connection with nature, she is interested in working on environmental issues to contribute to its conservation.

Ximena Rojas


Environmental Engineer, master’s degree in Business Administration and Engineering, combined experience in environmental consulting, strategic diagnosis of the environment, and risks for sustainable growth. She works in climate finance because she wants to harness the unique opportunity that the private sector has to combat the climate crisis.

Mariana Rojas Laserna


Biologist from the Universidad Javeriana, master’s degree in Environmental Sciences with a minor in environmental policy from Wageningen University. She has worked in the public sector in institutions such as the National Parks Unit, the national Planning Department and the Ministry of the Environment. In the latter, she was director of climate change and risk management.

Juliana Arciniegas

Director – Project Global Stocktake

Professional in International Relations, with an advanced degree in Environmental Law. Experience in negotiation processes at the multilateral and regional levels on the environment and sustainable development issues, including climate change, biodiversity, chemical substances, and ozone protection. Loves music and meditation. Interested in protecting and restoring our planet.